Looking for a workout that's fun, cheap, and good for you? Look no further than cycling! This low-impact exercise is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels. Plus, it's a great way to explore your surroundings. Whether you're riding on the road or taking a leisurely spin on a trail, cycling is sure to give you a workout. So, what are you waiting for? Dust off that bike and get pedaling! Who knows, you might just fall in love with this two-wheeled form of transportation. After all, cycling is not only good for your health, but it's also good for the environment. What's not to love?!!!"

Cycling is a great way to get exercise without putting too much strain on your body. Many of the people we sell to are older and looking for a way to exercise and see the world outside their home in a way that will be easy on their body. Cycling is easy on the joints and helps to build strength and muscle. There is an old saying that time spent cycling cannot be deducted from your lifespan. Cycling helps to build your stamina, lung power and lower stress.
Want to lose weight, cycling is a great way to do that. You can spend hours on a trail and not realize that you are burning hundreds of calories. The Rule of thumb is you burn 100 calories per mile of cycling. So, a ten-mile ride could burn off 1000 calories! That is a Carl’s Jr. Guacamole Bacon Burger! Not saying you should ride 10 miles and go get a Bacon Burger, buy you could. (As long as you ride 10 more miles to burn it off 😉)
Looking to build your cardiovascular health, then cycling is the right sport for you. Anything that gets your heart rate up will do that. But tackle a tall hill, and slowly climb up in a low gear, and you will know your heart is beating. And the joy of going down a hill will do the same thing! Is it better than sex? I will leave that up to you. Again, cycling helps extend your life.
Mental health. There is something about being outside and tooling away down a quit road seeing the countryside and the sunshine that sooths the soul. Or tackle a long ride like a 100-mile century ride and you confirm to yourself that you can do hard things. The taking in and beathing out removes all the pent-up frustrations and stresses of work. Then there is the release of endorphins. Those chemicals that make you feel like everything is alright and good. And who doesn’t need that.
Exploration. I already mentioned tooling along a lonely country road. But the fact that cycling can take you places. When I was young, that was my first taste of the freedom a long ride can give you. Seeing the countryside from a bicycle gives you a new perspective that you don’t get form the seat of a car at high speed. Smelling the air, even that next to a farm, and feeling the breeze can give you that sense of peace and tranquility like no other.
Lone Peak helps all this happen. Whether a short ride or a long ride, we have the bags to help with that. Small seat bags to hold just your wallet and keys, or a full set of panniers that allow you to cycle from one bed and breakfast to the next along a picturesque seashore. Our top tube bags make getting at those essentials you want while riding or changing the song you are listening to on your phone. So, for 5 miles or 3000 Lone Peak has you covered. So, get out there, and take a car off the road for a while and become one with the environment around you. The question is where will Lone Peak take you?