Lone Peak Packs
Lone Peak began in the garage of a ski patroller and tinkerer named Tom Kullen in 1979, the ski patrol waist pack and radio chest pack were born from that first push into the world of sewn outdoor gear. It was the birth of a business, an industry, and a way of life.
Shortly after bicycle bags were designed and made for the customers who wanted great product for a good price. Being in the outdoors was high on everyone’s list, we all wanted to commune with nature and the world around us. The main reason for making the gear we did was to allow people to do just that, and we have been doing it ever since.
We firmly believe that life looks better out of doors. From over your handle bars, or over a pair of skis, or hiking up your favorite trail, the human condition is more enjoyable when spent outside. We at Lone Peak believe that great gear, designed to last a lifetime will allow you to enjoy the outdoor journey more.